Senior woman with her caregiver at home
83825 Highway 9Post Office Box 1270
Ashland, AL 36251
It's About How You Live!
*About Hospice of Clay County
*Patient and Family Services
*Roles of the Hospice Team
*Paying for Hospice
*Admitting a Patient to Hospice of Clay County
When each and every day becomes more and more precious, Hospice of Clay County can be there to help you have a better quality of life. Living life to the fullest, on your terms, free from pain, in familiar surroundings, that's what hospice is all about.Hospice is a unique philosophy of healthcare for patients experiencing a terminal illness. The focus of hospice care is on enhancing the quality of a patient's life while assisting the needs of their caregiving family. This is accomplished by providing physical, emotional, and spiritual care with the goal of achieving comfort throughout the progression of the illness. Hospice neither hastens death, nor prolongs life, but allows it to take its natural course. Hospice allows patients to maintain a sense of dignity, sense of control, within the comfort of their homes, and with the people they love.
Hospice of Clay County provides care wherever a patient and family are most comfortable, at home, in a nursing home, or other long-term care facility.
Hospice of Clay County, a Medicare certified hospice, fully licensed non-profit organization, began serving patients in December 1994. Since that time, Hospice of Clay County has administered hospice care to over 1000 patients and their families. Hospice serves Clay and Randolph County patients and their families.
Hospice of Clay County operates as a team with patients/families as key members of the team. Below are the members of the team and the unique services each brings to enhancing a patient's quality of life and providing support to caregivers.Top
SKILLED NURSES play a key role in easing physical and psychosocial symptoms and suggest the need for other disciplines to become involved in a patient's care. Nursing visits are as frequently as needed, usually 2-4 times per week. In addition to assessing the needs of a patient, nurses provide direct nursing care, instruct, and support the patient.CERTIFIED HOME CARE AIDES assist with daily living activities including personal hygiene care, such as a bath, shampoo, shave, oral hygiene, simple wound care, toileting, feeding, and skin care. Homemaker services can be included as needed for 3-4 hours one day a week
SOCIAL WORKER provides psychosocial services which include psychosocial assessment, grief assessment, counseling, advocacy, and education. Counseling is meant to assist the patient with the crisis of advanced illness, such as addressing the mourning process, which is often well underway as a result of losses already sustained because of the role changes, body image changes, loss of self-esteem, and a changing sense of identity. Issues of clinical depression and anxiety; unresolved grief for past losses; substance abuse; spiritual concerns; and questions regarding powers of attorney, advance directives, and medical proxies are all within the social worker's ability to help.
CHAPLAIN provides spiritual support in keeping with the patient's belief system and practice. If patients do not have a minister and desire to have one, the Hospice of Clay County chaplain is available to provide spiritual care or to facilitate in locating a minister of their choice. The hospice program does not impose any particular belief system on it's patients. The chaplain will provide opportunities for life review, dealing with unfinished business, and emotional/spiritual comfort. The chaplain will not replace one's own minister and/or church, but can facilitate communication with a minister.
VOLUNTEERS, trained by Hospice of Clay County, are available for companionship. The volunteer's visit provides an opportunity for social contact and a break from the normal routine. If patients want to talk about their feelings, volunteers are there to listen. Volunteers may also transport patients to appointments, shopping, etc. Volunteers can sit occasionally 3-4 hours to allow caregivers to have a brief rest or go to appointments.
ATTENDING PHYSICIANS are involved in the healthcare decisions for patients. Patients select the attending physician of their choice or Hospice of Clay County's Medical Director may be asked to become the Attending Physician. The Medical Director for Hospice of Clay County is an integral part of the interdisciplinary team available to review patient cases weekly, and consult with Attending Physicians and other team members as needed.
Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Licensed Dietician are available upon physician request to enhance the patient's quality of life.
Medicare/Medicaid CoverageMedicare Part A / Medicaid patients are eligible for the following:
nursing visits
home health aides visits
social work visits
spiritual counseling
homemaker visits
medical equipment and supplies
prescription drugs
respite care
All of the above services must be related to the terminal diagnosis to be covered under hospice care.
Insurance Providers and HMO's Hospice coverage is provided by most insurance carriers and HMO's. Patients may contact their insurance carriers for information on coverage. A representative of Hospice of Clay County may assist in determining hospice coverage.

Hospice of Clay County accepts referrals from hospitals, social workers, physicians, families, patients, and other community resources. Referrals are accepted based upon established admission criteria. Our goal is to admit a patient/family within 48 hours after a referral is made. Referrals can be called to 256-354-1266, 24 hours a day seven days a week. Persons may also contact Clay County Hospital at 256-354-2131 for more information.Top
Hospice of Clay County is a division of
Clay County Healthcare Authority.